-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Format: 1.8 Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 14:42:43 +0200 Source: java-package Binary: java-package Architecture: source all Version: 0.53 Distribution: unstable Urgency: low Maintainer: Debian Java Maintainers <pkg-java-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> Changed-By: Emmanuel Bourg <ebourg@apache.org> Description: java-package - Utility for creating Java Debian packages Closes: 687075 721136 Changes: java-package (0.53) unstable; urgency=low . * Team upload. * Added support for early access releases (Closes: #721136) * Added support for GA and FCS releases * Excluded the fxavcodecplugin libraries used by JavaFX from the dependency calculation performed by dh_shlibdeps to avoid errors (Closes: #687075) * Updated the package description and debian/README.Debian: - no longer recommend openjdk-6 - mention the compatibility with Java 8 * Removed 'Replaces: ${j2se_package}debian' from the generated control file * Adjusted the disk space required to unpack the Java 8 documentation * Updated the manpages for Java 8 * Updated debhelper level to 7 * debian/rules: Use dh_prep instead of dh_clean -k * Removed the recommended dependency on libstdc++5 from the generated control file (used by the now unsupported IBM JDK 5) * Removed the recommended dependency on libgtk1.2 from the generated control file (removed from Squeeze) * Removed the recommended dependency on libx11-6 and libasound2 from the generated control file (these dependencies are already injected by dh_shlibdeps) * Removed the references to "Java 2" from the description of the generated JRE package * Changed the short description of the generate packages to match the official name Checksums-Sha1: aaa4594a814036a56f28d302e070595ebadb717a 1002 java-package_0.53.dsc 315ccc263e79c7c612f0eb3397ef3c258e50fb01 19841 java-package_0.53.tar.gz d799cde2d7cda0038d73c4a5bd045aa3132b6428 19714 java-package_0.53_all.deb Checksums-Sha256: 3a0e6917578b986ffa618e1fb6f325422a907d440aa3c71bc239f32b4edf0ed5 1002 java-package_0.53.dsc 13f000bac5fbd51f922806bd59f5fc1c7e3353fe7f8e7a7f2729ba420a336fc4 19841 java-package_0.53.tar.gz b819259e1b5604f01b0ae19abd27228444c7eb6bd6db38324241d8c00c4c79e2 19714 java-package_0.53_all.deb Files: a9843b8e5f5ccc8d3825a4612eb71842 1002 contrib/misc optional java-package_0.53.dsc a6886eca55ee6b9246bf7f75ee210187 19841 contrib/misc optional java-package_0.53.tar.gz 89728c713f1c78276538542df54349a7 19714 contrib/misc optional java-package_0.53_all.deb -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux) iEYEARECAAYFAlIvFSYACgkQiOXXM92JlhDFIwCfQBQKgSrGO+t9OME9JtUOYxe+ SIsAnR9pKUBsn/DucIVWtPCbzctmlVHz =EMwu -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----