Hi, I was tired of the broken[0] upstream vs. debian approach in the flamerobin packaging repository[1] so I went back to bare git-svn clone of upstream and then created the debian branch from scratch, cherry-picking all debian-related commits. The result is a new repository on the same place with much cleaner merge history. [0] see the history in gitk - a real mess [1] http://git.debian.org/?p=collab-maint/flamerobin.git;a=summary If you used to pull from it, that will break now. If you don't have any local changes, just wipe out your copy and clone again. If you do have local changes, I'd love to see them in order to incorporate them in the new repository :) The old repository is still available as flamerobin-mocked.git[2]. Removal is scheduled for two months from now (September 11th). [2] http://git.debian.org/?p=collab-maint/flamerobin-mocked.git;a=summary Sorry for any inconvenience caused. As a bonus, I've set up a cron job that will fetch from upstream trunk and publish the changes in upstream branch daily. -- dam JabberID: dam@jabber.minus273.org