-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Format: 1.8 Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2010 06:56:20 +0200 Source: aide Binary: aide aide-xen aide-dynamic aide-common aide-config-zg2 Architecture: source amd64 all Version: 0.15-2 Distribution: unstable Urgency: low Maintainer: Aide Maintainers <pkg-aide-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> Changed-By: Hannes von Haugwitz <hannes@vonhaugwitz.com> Description: aide - Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment - static binary aide-common - Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment - Common files aide-config-zg2 - Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment - Zg2 configuration exte aide-dynamic - Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment - dynamic binary aide-xen - Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment - static binary for XEN Closes: 146112 Changes: aide (0.15-2) unstable; urgency=low . * Upload to unstable . aide (0.15-1) experimental; urgency=low . * new upstream version * debian/aide.conf.in: - added grouped option (by default enabled) * debian/control: - aide-common: replaced Conflicts with Breaks/Replaces . aide (0.14.2.git20100726-1) experimental; urgency=low . * new upstream git snapshot, changes include: - fit detailed output in 80 columns (closes: #146112) - added new attribute 'ftype' for file type change detection - added new attribute 'e2fsattrs' file attributes on a second extended file system - sort files in report by filename (see: #146113) - new grouped option * debian/control: - bumped to Standards-Version 3.9.1 (no changes necessary) - added e2fslibs-dev to build dependencies * cron.daily/aide: - fixed spelling error * debian/rules: - enabled e2fsattrs support * debian/aide.conf.in: - removed whirlpool from Checksums - added ftype to OwnerMode - added e2fsattrs to InodeData, VarFile, VarDir, VarDirInode and Log * debian/copyright: - updated upstream copyright - added myself as co-maintainer * cron.daily/aide: - adjusted script to work with new upstream git snapshot - replaced "New" with "Added" in "End of AIDE output" message - don't fail when aide.conf contains white spaces, thanks to Adam Bolte for the patch (LP: #302669) - update configuration file before parsing it - exit with code 1 if database doesn't exist - include database name in error message if database doesn't exist - exit with fatal error if new database does not exist - reworked FILTERINSTALLATIONS and FILTERUPDATES * 31_aide_smartmontools: - handle files in /var/lib/smartmontools/ * 31_aide_dhcp3-client: - /var/lib/dhcp3/ has been moved to /var/lib/dhcp/ * 31_aide_pm-utils: new - handle files in /var/run/pm-utils/ * 31_aide_apt: - fixed handling of comments in sources.list, thanks to Harvey Muller for the patch (LP: #112242) * 31_aide_kerberos: - handle principal and principal.ok Checksums-Sha1: d8d7ceb9ce69aaf699d7a78a5c7728a6fd24faae 1547 aide_0.15-2.dsc 1e8fa109164e07e1695173947aa04f5692239352 75599 aide_0.15-2.diff.gz ab2e3e22ced012e92eba2edf576579494eff2a6a 598642 aide_0.15-2_amd64.deb 6bca8414846145d50294a9e99e0013ac12c3d79d 103690 aide-common_0.15-2_all.deb 799cd9d56f337e87a04b416d84e8877ce19fa96f 598664 aide-xen_0.15-2_amd64.deb 4f44caadd945215e7449fe34adecfce434abf4f6 122156 aide-dynamic_0.15-2_amd64.deb Checksums-Sha256: 4b0111d54e350bc244c5203784198b38afe07afebde0faf92c187b78adc17e20 1547 aide_0.15-2.dsc 8f7bde0d8536383fc2f59360d50b855ca2321c0a54cd445a64eccc3f8f41c13a 75599 aide_0.15-2.diff.gz 4a49a3df390b07a44d60195812a7bbffa47ebe4f0a3b396fdaa70533c58a4693 598642 aide_0.15-2_amd64.deb 61ae0b97523135c8330bbf8a182a7626b88b31c50670bc48472774342456ff9e 103690 aide-common_0.15-2_all.deb a90bc32525a9945fdbdfbea5914fd185096a927ff2d93f55e5f6cced0ca40508 598664 aide-xen_0.15-2_amd64.deb 4a85fe8af58c4a6e4fd5d10abda1e2aab174c54a007b48f2f763baed839cbaff 122156 aide-dynamic_0.15-2_amd64.deb Files: 95463c0d2039ed1a4c188b48092d2b21 1547 admin optional aide_0.15-2.dsc 0d46186e36739644c245648a1c873435 75599 admin optional aide_0.15-2.diff.gz 4ded68da8a4cefc5e5221d655d4c6842 598642 admin optional aide_0.15-2_amd64.deb d45c01022b75dffd1a6119e015d2a48a 103690 admin optional aide-common_0.15-2_all.deb a88d7f2721b45dc93b94309e9322abe8 598664 admin extra aide-xen_0.15-2_amd64.deb 73357e00aadba0ed2cb395e4057fb4c1 122156 admin extra aide-dynamic_0.15-2_amd64.deb -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux) iEYEARECAAYFAkxiShwACgkQiz0NKp2eEfU1rwCgnr1EbSNXbZIB/GvO8AUMCTwC J2EAoIucywOI7l65h7O3fwVKAUX8wR+f =5lRZ -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- Accepted: aide-common_0.15-2_all.deb to main/a/aide/aide-common_0.15-2_all.deb aide-dynamic_0.15-2_amd64.deb to main/a/aide/aide-dynamic_0.15-2_amd64.deb aide-xen_0.15-2_amd64.deb to main/a/aide/aide-xen_0.15-2_amd64.deb aide_0.15-2.diff.gz to main/a/aide/aide_0.15-2.diff.gz aide_0.15-2.dsc to main/a/aide/aide_0.15-2.dsc aide_0.15-2_amd64.deb to main/a/aide/aide_0.15-2_amd64.deb