-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Format: 1.8 Date: Sun, 09 May 2010 17:49:52 +0200 Source: abs-guide Binary: abs-guide Architecture: source all Version: 6.2-1 Distribution: unstable Urgency: low Maintainer: Sandro Tosi <morph@debian.org> Changed-By: Sandro Tosi <morph@debian.org> Description: abs-guide - The Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide Closes: 441278 453596 577181 Changes: abs-guide (6.2-1) unstable; urgency=low . * New upstream release; Closes: #441278 * debian/control - adopting package; Closes: #577181 - removed bzip2 from b-d-i, no more needed - debhelper has to be in b-d - bump Standards-Version to 3.8.4 (no changes needed) - added Homepage field - added misc:Depends to Depends - added Vcs-{Browser, Git} field * debian/rules - removed the unpacking stuff, we now use an alrqady unpacked source - added more example scripts to fix * debian/{compat, control, rules} - switched to debhelper 7 * debian/watch - updated to new upstream location; thanks to Raphael Geissert for the report; Closes: #453596 * debian/copyright - updated with new location and copyright/license notices * debian/source/format - set source package format to 1.0 explicitly * debian/abs-guide.doc-base - set Section field correctly * debian/{copyright, abs-guide.doc-base} - updated upstream email * debian/abs-guide.lintian-overrides - added override for "known syntax-errored" scripts Checksums-Sha1: 3715caa879ae8904d0ab843b761aabde5cacf580 1113 abs-guide_6.2-1.dsc ae3dc5ff8848bc53abfb8554cde180ba7a7da229 1432746 abs-guide_6.2.orig.tar.gz 9d96bf7ccb5181c7de4e00fe597037d3bfda5cfc 6747 abs-guide_6.2-1.diff.gz 11056a3f905d9a8290371075b8022e16eca099dc 1405024 abs-guide_6.2-1_all.deb Checksums-Sha256: daf3a8dc5e0cf6e47f5fcc0a36ed4b7662f02f4ddd8b92783ef05812472a992b 1113 abs-guide_6.2-1.dsc bf8ed75fff6cf885396c5a7de0e9ab73b0568b5da12816c030c17a4be17d7004 1432746 abs-guide_6.2.orig.tar.gz 89eeddcc7d6de354a4a576615f29d0ff6419f71012140f8731de0cb23aebbf77 6747 abs-guide_6.2-1.diff.gz 853afe975645bb8c2623171fbba1e5396bfd975e5e4993b2af300c2318caf8d2 1405024 abs-guide_6.2-1_all.deb Files: 855743a19ff8906b12aa1a530e565f53 1113 non-free/doc optional abs-guide_6.2-1.dsc 5d8f7d9ec671d7d2252ef1f6ab79f045 1432746 non-free/doc optional abs-guide_6.2.orig.tar.gz d6aa7a80752335d8c54e216b61bf18c0 6747 non-free/doc optional abs-guide_6.2-1.diff.gz 2b645f806b8aaa79d2ddbb8bcf201618 1405024 non-free/doc optional abs-guide_6.2-1_all.deb -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux) iEYEARECAAYFAkvm2lIACgkQAukwV0RN2VDMkgCfSVE6xFEaKHDPxZwa38ti5wpo fs4AnjPJKFlNPEUh681aAsSKA96nQPRa =T07t -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- Accepted: abs-guide_6.2-1.diff.gz to non-free/a/abs-guide/abs-guide_6.2-1.diff.gz abs-guide_6.2-1.dsc to non-free/a/abs-guide/abs-guide_6.2-1.dsc abs-guide_6.2-1_all.deb to non-free/a/abs-guide/abs-guide_6.2-1_all.deb abs-guide_6.2.orig.tar.gz to non-free/a/abs-guide/abs-guide_6.2.orig.tar.gz