-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Format: 1.7 Date: Tue, 04 Mar 2008 15:28:46 +0200 Source: amarok Binary: amarok amarok-common amarok-konqsidebar amarok-engines amarok-engine-xine amarok-engine-yauap amarok-dbg Architecture: source all amd64 Version: 1.4.8-2 Distribution: unstable Urgency: low Maintainer: Modestas Vainius <modestas@vainius.eu> Changed-By: Modestas Vainius <modestas@vainius.eu> Description: amarok - versatile and easy to use audio player for KDE3 amarok-common - architecture independent files for Amarok amarok-dbg - debugging symbols for Amarok amarok-engine-xine - Xine engine for the Amarok audio player amarok-engine-yauap - Yauap engine for the Amarok audio player amarok-engines - output engines for the Amarok music player amarok-konqsidebar - Amarok sidebar for konqueror 3.x.x Closes: 368485 368840 403340 421420 432219 432752 434835 445371 Changes: amarok (1.4.8-2) unstable; urgency=low . * Remove Adeodato Simó from Uploaders by his request. Thank you Adeodato for all your hard work! * Remove amarok-gstreamer.install because there is no gstreamer engine anymore. * Remove overrides/amarok-arts. arts engine is no longer available. * Drop internal cdbs/kde.mk in favour of the one shipped with cdbs. Merge missing functionality (cvs-make/automake) into debian/rules. * Auto-guess automake /usr/share directory. * Rework interdependences among amarok and its engines' packages: - Drop amarok-engine virtual package. Amarok and its engines ABI are not even compatible between Amarok point releases so virtual package, which, unfortunately, is versionless by definition, is not practical here. - Rename engine packages to amarok-engine-$engine. Make them conflict and replace previous amarok-$engine packages. Also make amarok conflict with amarok-engine virtual package. All these changes will ensure that partial upgrades from etch are not allowed (Closes: #432219). - Make amarok depend on any of its engines of the same binary version via alternate dependences. Default engine is amarok-engine-xine. Edit amarok-engine-xine description accordingly. - Make all amarok engines recommend amarok strictly of the same binary version. Recommends instead of Depends here breaks circular dependency (Closes: #368485). - Downgrade amarok-engines to amarok Suggests. - Convert amarok-engines package to arch:all because it's a metapackage. Edit amarok-engines description because it's no longer going to be installed by default. - Add amarok-yauap to amarok-engines Suggests. * New binary packages: - amarok-common - arch:all package for architecture independent files split from amarok. It recommends amarok (>= ${source:Version}) to avoid circular dependency as in case of stricter "Depends" relationship. - amarok-konqsidebar - split konqsidebar into its own binary package. The reason for this is that it's incompatible with konqueror (>= 4:4.0.0) and needs to _conflict_ with it (due to *.desktop files). Add amarok-konqsidebar to amarok Recommends and amarok to amarok-konqsidebar Depends. - amarok-dbg - package with debugging symbols (Closes: #368840). - amarok-engine-yauap - Yauap Commandline Audio Player engine (Closes: #445371): * Add libdbus-qt-1-dev to Build-Depends * Pass --with-yauap to configure * Add amarok-yauap.install * Depend on yauap. * Add "Homepage" field to debian/control source section, remove homepage reference from amarok binary package description. * Disable /usr/share/doc/amarok-* symlinks in debian/rules. They just complicate packaging unnecessarily and make lintian unhappy. * Ship only README from upstream source in /usr/share/doc/amarok. * debian/README.Debian: remove a note about installing ruby, because it's a dependency and gets installed anyway. * New patches: - 01_libtool_update.diff - use ltmain.sh and libtool.m4.in from Debian libtool. This patch is used instead of previous `cp` in debian/rules, because the patch 02_ below depends on it. - 02_admin_cleanup.diff - admin/* cleanup patch. - 97_automake_cleanup.diff - automake cleanup patch to get rid of excess dependencies and shut dpkg-shlibdeps up. Superseeds previous 03_no_libadd_in_convenience_libs.diff patch. - 11_bug403340_cancel_rename_when_deleting_items.diff - cancel a pending 'rename' request for the playlist item that is about to be deleted. The patch solves a popular crash. (Closes: #403340). - 12_devicemanager_dcopcall_no_timeout.diff - do not use timeout for dcop calls. It's very unsafe because it might break further dcop calls such as the one in the debian bug #432752 (Closes: #432752). - 13_lastfm_crash_434835.diff - resolve lastfm crash which could be triggered by switching away from lastfm track while it was still handshaking or buffering (Closes: #434835). Thanks to Raphael for the excelent instructions how to reproduce the crash. - 14_ruby_libs_not_scripts.diff - remove #! stanzas from ruby library files. * Prepend sequence number to the filenames of existing debian/patches/*. Edit debian/patches/series accordingly. * Move Depends/Recommends on ruby, python & friends from amarok to amarok-common since they scripts have been moved here. * Add moodbar to amarok Suggests (Closes: #421420). Tweak amarok package description accordingly. * Add DM-Upload-Allowed: yes to debian/control source section. * s/XS-Vcs/Vcs/ in debian/control. * Drop DEB_DH_SHLIBDEPS_ARGS_amarok from debian/rules. No longer needed with recent dpkg-shlibdeps. * Build-Depend on debhelper (>= 5.0.0) * Add executable permissions for some amarok scripts to make lintian happy. * s/.NF/.nf/ in debian/amarok.1 * Drop DEB_INSTALL_DIRS_amarok from debian/rules. No longer needed. * Use more accurate method to exclude (-X) amarok engines from being handled by dh_makeshlibs instead of just DEB_DH_MAKESHLIBS_ARGS_ALL = -n. * Do not amarok.install /usr/lib/libamarok.so and /usr/lib/libamarok.la. They are devel-only and, hence, useless in the private library like libamarok case. * Install *.lintian files with overrides. * Add manual pages: amarokapp.1 amarokcollectionscanner.1 amarok_libvisual.1 * Do not install COPYING files which are present in some script directories. Also remove useless (according to lintian) MacOS X resource fork file rubygems/._gem_commands.rb * Exclude amarok from amarok-engine-* packages dependency lists. Files: 7b7586975e0938f91bc97d4f3576af8a 1273 kde optional amarok_1.4.8-2.dsc 631b02d2449c104f9a51f372293f02a8 108852 kde optional amarok_1.4.8-2.diff.gz c5cb3489ae82ee32cc91724e8993ff3a 11040966 kde optional amarok-common_1.4.8-2_all.deb a0eb82c1455d4f2f36fc46ac18f2754d 68636 kde optional amarok-engines_1.4.8-2_all.deb 52996e9936a46a75a9878113e0c35429 2665070 kde optional amarok_1.4.8-2_amd64.deb fcefd2fa5476abf9d0758305b385963a 125080 kde optional amarok-konqsidebar_1.4.8-2_amd64.deb f919c715b5b69c8ae18dd229572d2d2d 130886 kde optional amarok-engine-xine_1.4.8-2_amd64.deb 6f27c57b4f1deefcb5acc393bb36f016 92838 kde optional amarok-engine-yauap_1.4.8-2_amd64.deb 48aaac237e246402a6b9917b1a143901 12009592 kde extra amarok-dbg_1.4.8-2_amd64.deb -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux) Comment: Signed by Ana Guerrero iD8DBQFHzX6kn3j4POjENGERAhW8AJ4nvtvfCATBw2X0Ixu5F02uapUzIACfcwoT i9stZUAgdGR8oqqitfdS4aA= =aptl -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- Accepted: amarok-common_1.4.8-2_all.deb to pool/main/a/amarok/amarok-common_1.4.8-2_all.deb amarok-dbg_1.4.8-2_amd64.deb to pool/main/a/amarok/amarok-dbg_1.4.8-2_amd64.deb amarok-engine-xine_1.4.8-2_amd64.deb to pool/main/a/amarok/amarok-engine-xine_1.4.8-2_amd64.deb amarok-engine-yauap_1.4.8-2_amd64.deb to pool/main/a/amarok/amarok-engine-yauap_1.4.8-2_amd64.deb amarok-engines_1.4.8-2_all.deb to pool/main/a/amarok/amarok-engines_1.4.8-2_all.deb amarok-konqsidebar_1.4.8-2_amd64.deb to pool/main/a/amarok/amarok-konqsidebar_1.4.8-2_amd64.deb amarok_1.4.8-2.diff.gz to pool/main/a/amarok/amarok_1.4.8-2.diff.gz amarok_1.4.8-2.dsc to pool/main/a/amarok/amarok_1.4.8-2.dsc amarok_1.4.8-2_amd64.deb to pool/main/a/amarok/amarok_1.4.8-2_amd64.deb