-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Format: 1.7 Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 12:16:26 +0530 Source: mosix Binary: mosix-dev mosix kernel-patch-mosix Architecture: source i386 Version: 1.0.2-1 Distribution: unstable Urgency: low Maintainer: Viral Shah <viral@debian.org> Changed-By: Viral <viral@debian.org> Description: kernel-patch-mosix - Kernel patch for mosix (Adds process migration capabilities) mosix - Tools to manipulate a mosix multicomputer node mosix-dev - Mosix development files (static library and header files) Changes: mosix (1.0.2-1) unstable; urgency=low . * New upstream release for kernel 2.4.5. * Fixed /usr/lib/libmos.so link problem. Now libmos.so is in mosix-dev * Now, mosix is built from a modified version of the sources, and not the original sources disributed. Hence there is no orig.tar.gz, and mosix is a native package. * The patched mosix kernel is no longer required to build the utilties. The required .h files are now included in the sources. Files: 2db2a2b112c31828a3f822b269e6f041 568 net extra mosix_1.0.2-1.dsc 26757f7987af59f2ed9cf7c6654a1a34 396656 net extra mosix_1.0.2-1.tar.gz 2a95b7506f8533893471d829feacee91 108608 net extra mosix_1.0.2-1_i386.deb d94bbc6e79363bd01e2c4ad657d54b8f 292118 net extra kernel-patch-mosix_1.0.2-1_i386.deb edb19d111540a23aeec8cd3937c88b41 8714 devel extra mosix-dev_1.0.2-1_i386.deb -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.5 (GNU/Linux) Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org iEYEARECAAYFAjsWPlIACgkQDAJ08G4l4oMLfACfU06LMdOQJbC06fs2c0KMNdMp 7rEAmQH0ipTE3TycVCLPioPhGju4kWLk =VV8n -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- Installed: kernel-patch-mosix_1.0.2-1_i386.deb to pool/main/m/mosix/kernel-patch-mosix_1.0.2-1_i386.deb mosix_1.0.2-1.dsc to pool/main/m/mosix/mosix_1.0.2-1.dsc mosix_1.0.2-1_i386.deb to pool/main/m/mosix/mosix_1.0.2-1_i386.deb mosix_1.0.2-1.tar.gz to pool/main/m/mosix/mosix_1.0.2-1.tar.gz mosix-dev_1.0.2-1_i386.deb to pool/main/m/mosix/mosix-dev_1.0.2-1_i386.deb