-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Format: 1.8 Date: Thu, 03 Mar 2016 06:08:05 +0100 Source: systraq Binary: systraq Architecture: source all Version: 20160303-1 Distribution: unstable Urgency: low Maintainer: Joost van Baal-Ilić <joostvb@debian.org> Changed-By: Joost van Baal-Ilić <joostvb@debian.org> Description: systraq - monitor your system and warn when system files change Changes: systraq (20160303-1) unstable; urgency=low . * New upstream release: The තංගල්ල Releasee. (Missed: 20151218 - The חֲנֻכָּה Release, version 20150913 - The de Sy à My release, version 20151105 - The Blaak Release, version 20151214 - The Čhaŋšúška Wakpá Release) - debian/control: drop Build-Depends-Indep: jade, sgml-data, w3m, jadetex, docbook-dsssl, docbook-xml, docbook-xsl, openjade, xsltproc: upstream ships typesetted docs. * debian/changelog: honor upstream in version numbering: 20151105, not 0.0.20151105. * debian/control: Standards updated from 3.9.5 to 3.9.7. * debian/control: Vcs: move from SVN to git (still at Alioth collab-maint). * debian/watch, debian/upstream/signing-key.asc: added. Upstream key added as "gpg --armor --export-options export-minimal --export 0B86B067". * debian/TODO: added: semi private build instuctions * debian/README.Debian: fix spelling error (thanks lintian). * debian/copyright: fixed details (all files still GPL-2+). * debian/{20systraq,Makefile,install}: added: run make as debian-systraq in /etc/systraq after each dpkg run. This should take care of making sure the list of systraq monitored files is kept up to date. Thanks Geert Stappers for reminding me: I finally got to start fixing this 7 years old issue :) * debian/postinst: if needed, create /etc/systraq/filetraq.conf and /etc/systraq/filetraq.main.conf, writeable for debian-systraq. * debian/filetraq.tail.conf, debian/install: added /etc/systraq/filetraq.tail.conf . * debian/patches/{001_debian_systraq_user.diff,series}: removed, debian/cron.d: added, debian/control: changed. No longer patch upstream installed cronjob files, but ship our own copy. Upstream no longer installs a cronjob file. Drop quilt from build dependencies. * debian/cron.d: use "@monthly", not "0 0 1 * *". * debian/cron.d: BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE! The output of command "systraq" is no longer sent daily, but _weekly_. Checksums-Sha1: ba9062f11bdfb3f9f54ffb0057bbbee0c871b55b 1498 systraq_20160303-1.dsc bbc354988eea3eecdae94dc34f273d42ac37ba70 474448 systraq_20160303.orig.tar.xz a87e3d8887f3a19371829aa8ee5aad423dc63d59 231668 systraq_20160303-1.debian.tar.xz b56aa9e424a7b0d18646b5f52272f087752ce04b 438908 systraq_20160303-1_all.deb Checksums-Sha256: 9b6ac31bcfff43e56320970124babf1893c1c5e3412bacc3b0bfeccb5a72b10a 1498 systraq_20160303-1.dsc 089386b3b1504592ecaf9db8ec3555a0923a6f4543cc758c08e91883c0ef16c6 474448 systraq_20160303.orig.tar.xz a568be29d2a33ea350b7a6593ba7e7a109be1b95d2359d2adbc5afdb9eed6400 231668 systraq_20160303-1.debian.tar.xz d1d44500f5e0c27fbd8c898975932bd2de0a0d3dd3e7ba290448064af8e076a5 438908 systraq_20160303-1_all.deb Files: ca4269adacef703f843710e21d175871 1498 admin optional systraq_20160303-1.dsc 00cafac84505ac4e70c6410fd2ecb0be 474448 admin optional systraq_20160303.orig.tar.xz a156fd2ffd4570afe638f48f0cc71bb0 231668 admin optional systraq_20160303-1.debian.tar.xz 804e1f56fe81b583c91e32b44c02c6d0 438908 admin optional systraq_20160303-1_all.deb -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1 iQEcBAEBAgAGBQJW1/0CAAoJEDNRenKl5rDIzngIAJihcWOZ9aFM0SJhlfriGQFz 03vW4XksMY4t6lNQTVxGYT8tO67FEFCXc6NqqaSu4TIoC5WwJYcMdy/ls0/qjOpQ aa796z+e/ciNlGcQC8NhGWtRTuA5kmLc3TCKMMFo+GHzePIMFgqi7VPYApkFHv+9 lKiZy1saIp8bPzVog/BZEa89f72jNfoVN8YII3RV+fvAcDY1LTR0opBL6Lmz4sJQ CIQVKRcVz2wWD71UIhm8fX2j2Rs+8Xy6XGQ9whhooRwQo00jTgaMfCFt1O5N2LAN ZK1TDgQk2dKU9BFkvg8Hvkr3YyrWxC7nZBcIbW0DpXL4aqXp8xQr2u/wUQJ4Yx4= =mFfY -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----