-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Format: 1.8 Date: Fri, 02 Jul 2010 21:27:15 -0500 Source: sopwith Binary: sopwith Architecture: source i386 Version: 1.7.3-2 Distribution: unstable Urgency: low Maintainer: Kenneth J. Pronovici <pronovic@debian.org> Changed-By: Kenneth J. Pronovici <pronovic@debian.org> Description: sopwith - port of the 1980's side-scrolling WWI dogfighting game Closes: 472738 Changes: sopwith (1.7.3-2) unstable; urgency=low . * New maintainer (closes: #472738). * Bump standards version to * Tweak long description to make it more standard (no "I present..."). * Convert debian/copyright to new DEP-5 machine-readable format. * Create patches headers.patch and manpage.patch out of auto-generated patch. * Update manpage and README.Debian now that audio is disabled by default. * Changes to build process in debian/rules and debian/control: - Bump debhelper compatibility to 7, per linitian recommendation - Remove -Wall compiler option: upstream doesn't use it, and it adds noise - Take $(CFLAGS) as passed to debian/rules and provide to ./configure - Use dh_prep instead of dh_clean -k, per deprecation warning - Install sopwith.png rather than uuencoding, since 3.0 (quilt) allows it - Remove Build-Depends on sharutils, since uudecode is no longer used - Add new Build-Depends on autotools-dev, as source for config.sub|guess - Standardize autotools behavior per autotools-dev instructions - Rework installation behavior via dh_install/man/doc Checksums-Sha1: dfbe3ba82ba63095fc2116bd4279ce5affa85c63 1097 sopwith_1.7.3-2.dsc 17e41b749399aedddcd7a800a4b1c899d9cac914 8312 sopwith_1.7.3-2.debian.tar.gz 1d92751f0d0b908447556071c4b7c0835c907058 57722 sopwith_1.7.3-2_i386.deb Checksums-Sha256: 4eb9b3a856596dc766c3eaa6e76c85e4aa505ffaa5f24f4fce9d604af6eeaa47 1097 sopwith_1.7.3-2.dsc ee470342ccb0aae1e357df0885dcff798397ee9887847b110516f4bca825feef 8312 sopwith_1.7.3-2.debian.tar.gz 3491b2ebf24a80b8bfea055652b4fcc7d40470b924f26466d1ac2f7daf47bc14 57722 sopwith_1.7.3-2_i386.deb Files: 2eee21bc62c63a719cc7b8d771903676 1097 games optional sopwith_1.7.3-2.dsc 7dde819c4306a4898760da3ac248aee2 8312 games optional sopwith_1.7.3-2.debian.tar.gz 5d477524e21b4b7c96213855a1585bef 57722 games optional sopwith_1.7.3-2_i386.deb -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux) iEYEARECAAYFAkwu0S4ACgkQ8On2ujzZUQSfnQCfStNi4BTDm/9C7tX6g/Kg1xzt jcMAoKN1kjQHfeSOhxTN3wKXm2WZhrGn =x5Si -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- Accepted: sopwith_1.7.3-2.debian.tar.gz to main/s/sopwith/sopwith_1.7.3-2.debian.tar.gz sopwith_1.7.3-2.dsc to main/s/sopwith/sopwith_1.7.3-2.dsc sopwith_1.7.3-2_i386.deb to main/s/sopwith/sopwith_1.7.3-2_i386.deb