-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 Format: 1.8 Date: Sat, 19 May 2018 00:15:05 +0200 Source: amarok Binary: amarok amarok-common amarok-doc amarok-utils Architecture: source Version: 2.9.0-1 Distribution: unstable Urgency: medium Maintainer: Debian KDE Extras Team <pkg-kde-extras@lists.alioth.debian.org> Changed-By: Pino Toscano <pino@debian.org> Description: amarok - easy to use media player based on the KDE Platform amarok-common - architecture independent files for Amarok amarok-doc - Amarok documentation (Handbook) amarok-utils - utilities for Amarok media player Closes: 851945 877295 896941 Changes: amarok (2.9.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium . * Team upload. * New upstream release: - the Wikipedia applet works with the newer Wikipedia APIs (Closes: #851945) * Update the patches: - backport_dont_add_analyzer_when_not_supported.diff: drop, backported from upstream - backport_dont_crash_on_shuffle_keyb_shortcut.diff: drop, backported from upstream - backport_dont_allow_analyzer_with_vlc.diff: drop, backported from upstream - backport_gcc6.diff: drop, backported from upstream - backport_mpris2_desktopentry.diff: drop, backported from upstream - debian_disable_qtscriptbindings_check_fix.diff: drop, fixed upstream - debian_mysqle_amarok_local_errmsg_feature.diff: refresh/update - debian_mysqle_force_defaults_file.diff: disable for now, as it does not seem to be needed anymore - debian_clamz_is_runtime_dependency.diff: refresh - ffmpeg_2.9.patch: drop, fixed upstream - backport_fix_taglib_version_check.patch: drop, backported from upstream * Update install files. * Disable the gpodder.net support, as libmygpo-qt will switch soon to Qt5 in Debian: (Closes: #896941) - remove the libmygpo-qt-dev build dependency - update install files * Remove the primary libgpod-nogtk-dev build dependency, leaving the alternative libgpod-dev. (Closes: #877295) * Remove trailing whitespaces in changelog. * Simplify watch file, and switch it to https. * Update lintian overrides. * Remove from debian/tmp all the stuff we do not want, so it is easier to spot uninstalled stuff - remove debian/not-installed, no more needed now * Replace the libmariadbd-dev build dependency with default-libmysqld-dev, so we do not rely anymore on a specific MySQL implementation. * Disable the mp3tunes service: moc raises a build error related to GLib headers, but it does not provide a meaningful error message to diagnose the error; patch no-mp3tunes.diff. * Bump Standards-Version to 4.1.4, no changes required. * Bump the debhelper compatibility to 11: - bump the debhelper build dependency to 11~ - bump compat to 11 - remove --parallel for dh, as now done by default * Pass --fail-missing to dh_missing, so no file is missed. * Stop passing -Wl,--no-relax as linker flag on alpha, as hopefully the problem should be solved after more than 5 years. * Switch Homepage to https. Checksums-Sha1: 35f85450a65f29acb63dd50f5d1771ce78c430d5 2734 amarok_2.9.0-1.dsc 85082c415db467c12a22dd555dfc8b4e770a8fed 48987984 amarok_2.9.0.orig.tar.xz 7bba07213194bd61dac53085a3b0d18c6e67e260 40172 amarok_2.9.0-1.debian.tar.xz 8f198a8ace3899e4015f410835a2f748614d51a5 19532 amarok_2.9.0-1_source.buildinfo Checksums-Sha256: 56e685457ceb6e84fcd94b9a2a63d72271922ee84708f4c14b05874cf206a848 2734 amarok_2.9.0-1.dsc e3678de79db36956bc8588b9905726ace1b9188e7fdf89eaea265f1cb03116fd 48987984 amarok_2.9.0.orig.tar.xz c8591787f840e4505fa7bae8e0db66c954cae18df3657e0348332545d19368f2 40172 amarok_2.9.0-1.debian.tar.xz 150e4e71b37ed9531b684c6dfd90187765b62f134ab06f9cfabd0faf6a1724d8 19532 amarok_2.9.0-1_source.buildinfo Files: d7fc13d65c8df3e9052a7eaf00132cfc 2734 sound optional amarok_2.9.0-1.dsc 8c231b4e930780e1b23fb79a15463f3f 48987984 sound optional amarok_2.9.0.orig.tar.xz 327681402a5923a8a1b789ea1359cfc8 40172 sound optional amarok_2.9.0-1.debian.tar.xz 73c47030d26a6a300b790ae1ec2fbde1 19532 sound optional amarok_2.9.0-1_source.buildinfo -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQIzBAEBCgAdFiEEXyqfuC+mweEHcAcHLRkciEOxP00FAlr/UOkACgkQLRkciEOx P01Jxg//eFW51+GT5L6HJQLAVRs2rNwyn9cot7euUN1Zh1K1N6NBuxU58utqPKId MVk8BQp2n5xn573wVkf5ijSM1AWjGRm4F4yC9kFli/5KBl8dIso2wdI3XlvSEat8 eJCKSa9knstHloTT2jjrxRvp54s869gFYwbGcMcoaKeOSLUt1nPaMg+4GumODeNV ELrWMLqHMEWBWB5Y/JeG3zYm7mX1a7DruB9nuIxjfr3ebr9CrOik8Mi+r2G7OjyS 5tSOyIqavuWdwIpcx72CiXjWFhEjlBogKy3YY1Pq6lQrQkQVdX10CZUfdQiqW+Do 357yn7nsFYf1mwlIXB7E51C2UM++KxVFxb/ziAXfaJK8B8CrEF6Wj0XdQW/LuLE3 PUnHDvMwccoDzj3U7FzbCqnQsI2LV1wkK1y8PNQuy5QHAQDiz/BV4GPxV/JFDY4d 7g7KX9mbR/lzFOsdyyyC6++Ym9Sbph94i8Y99Oy4KEZn9LnSDinHHK69EVSNmVNd AQVpqUN8GxnqWQtTTl0BY5Z4qZpfV4e+UaO9dEtElroRsO9zMQI10kxzDQYd2r6U /gGXIAGGFtOmxl4euyL4K+MR4sxyZblkAA3Des4KgecSNKyfsoAYQP6CPK3GeulE vLyYaV6XdZ9GCfgnIiJB3ClWPv+tkoXaYhOCKyzUm76yIyrmDkw= =v/GU -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----