action needed
Standards version of the package is outdated.
The package is severely out of date with respect to the Debian Policy.
The package should be updated to follow the last version of Debian Policy
(Standards-Version 4.7.0 instead of
2 bugs tagged help in the BTS
The BTS contains 2 bugs tagged help, please consider helping the maintainer in dealing with
8 bugs tagged patch in the BTS
testing migrations
- Migrates after: cdebconf
- Migration status for base-installer (1.220 to 1.221): Waiting for test results or another package, or too young (no action required now - check later)
- Issues preventing migration:
- ∙ ∙ Too young, only 3 of 5 days old
- ∙ ∙ Depends: base-installer cdebconf (not considered)
- Additional info:
- ∙ ∙ Cannot be tested by piuparts (not a blocker) - (no link yet)
- ∙ ∙ Reproducible on amd64 - info ♻
- ∙ ∙ Reproducible on arm64 - info ♻
- ∙ ∙ Reproducible on armhf - info ♻
- ∙ ∙ Reproducible on i386 - info ♻
- Not considered