source package has 1 unsatisfiable build dependency
Build dependencies in unstable cannot be satisfied on
armel, armhf, ppc64el, i386, arm64, mips64el, s390x, and amd64
because: unsatisfied dependency on libgl1-mesa-glx
3 binary packages have unsatisfiable dependencies
Lintian reports
8 errors
21 warnings
about this package. You should make the package lintian clean getting rid of them.
Standards version of the package is outdated.
The package is severely out of date with respect to the Debian Policy.The package should be updated to follow the last version of Debian Policy
(Standards-Version 4.7.0 instead of
The package has not entered testing even though the delay is over
The package has not entered testing even though the 5-day delay is over.Check why.
The current maintainer is looking for someone who can help with
the maintenance of this package. If you are interested in this
package, please consider helping out. One way you can help is
offer to be a co-maintainer or triage bugs in the BTS. Please see bug number #1051593 for more information.
piuparts found (un)installation error(s)
Piuparts stresses package installation, uninstallation, upgrade, ... While doing such tests, one or more errors were found for the following suites: