Version 0.21.2+dfsg1-6 of freecad is marked for autoremoval from testing on Fri 24 Jan 2025. It is affected by #1090833. It depends (transitively) on pyside2, affected by #1091430. You should try to prevent the removal by fixing these RC bugs.
Lintian reports
60 errors
5 warnings
about this package. You should make the package lintian clean getting rid of them.
debian/patches: 2 patches with invalid metadata, 1 patch to forward upstream
Among the 12 debian patches
available in version 1.0.0+dfsg-5 of the package,
we noticed the following issues:
2 patches with
invalid metadata that ought to be fixed.
1 patch
where the metadata indicates that the patch has not yet been forwarded
upstream. You should either forward the patch upstream or update the
metadata to document its real status.
This package has been requested to
be removed. This means that, when this request gets
processed by an ftp-master, this package will no longer be in
unstable, and will automatically be removed from testing too
afterwards. If for some reason you want keep this package in
unstable, please discuss so in the bug. Please see bug number #1092061 for more information.
This package will soon be part of the auto-zipios++ transition. You might want to ensure that your package is ready for it.
You can probably find supplementary information in the
archives or in the corresponding
This package will soon be part of the auto-fmtlib transition. You might want to ensure that your package is ready for it.
You can probably find supplementary information in the
archives or in the corresponding