Version 1.6-1.1 of fsverity-utils is marked for autoremoval from testing on Mon 20 Jan 2025. It is affected by #1089255. The removal of fsverity-utils will also cause the removal of (transitive) reverse dependencies: abi-tracker, alien, arriero, ceilometer-instance-poller, createrepo-c, debcraft, deltarpm, dgit, dh-make-golang, diffoscope, dnf, dnf-plugins-core, doodle, dtrx, epm, fastfetch, fio, git-buildpackage, gnunet, gnunet-fuse, gnunet-gtk, gophian, guestfs-tools, intel-mkl, ironic-python-agent, jenkins-debian-glue, kdiskmark, kworkflow, libabigail, libbssolv-perl, libdnf, libdrpm, libextractor, libextractor-java, libextractor-python, libguestfs, libmodulemd, libnbd, libsolv, libzypp, nbdkit, obs-build, open-build-service, openscap, osc, osc-plugins-dput, oz, pkg-perl-tools, pkgdiff, poke, poke-elf, qemu-web-desktop, rinse, rpm, rpmlint, scap-security-guide, simplesnap, supermin, tomopy, vdr-plugin-xineliboutput, virt-p2v, virt-v2v, virtnbdbackup, zfs-auto-snapshot, zfs-linux, zfsnap, zsnapd, zypper. You should try to prevent the removal by fixing these RC bugs.