The Gentoo net-im/jabberd2 package through 2.6.1 sets the ownership of /var/run/jabber to the jabber account, which might allow local users to kill arbitrary processes by leveraging access to this account for PID file modification before a root script executes a "kill -TERM `cat /var/run/jabber/`" command.
The Gentoo net-im/jabberd2 package through 2.6.1 sets the ownership of /var/run/jabber to the jabber account, which might allow local users to kill arbitrary processes by leveraging access to this account for PID file modification before a root script executes a "kill -TERM `cat /var/run/jabber/`" command.
debian/patches: 10 patches to forward upstream
Among the 10 debian patches
available in version 2.7.0-7 of the package,
we noticed the following issues:
10 patches
where the metadata indicates that the patch has not yet been forwarded
upstream. You should either forward the patch upstream or update the
metadata to document its real status.
The Gentoo net-im/jabberd2 package through 2.6.1 sets the ownership of /var/run/jabber to the jabber account, which might allow local users to kill arbitrary processes by leveraging access to this account for PID file modification before a root script executes a "kill -TERM `cat /var/run/jabber/`" command.