Version 0.8.9-1 of pplpy is marked for autoremoval from testing on Tue 28 Jan 2025. It depends (transitively) on swi-prolog, affected by #1089981. You should try to prevent the removal by fixing these RC bugs.
A new upstream version is available: 0.8.10rc2high
A new upstream version 0.8.10rc2 is available, you should consider packaging it.
debian/patches: 1 patch with invalid metadata
Among the 1 debian patch
available in version 0.8.9-1 of the package,
we noticed the following issues:
1 patch with
invalid metadata that ought to be fixed.
vcswatch reports that
this package seems to have a new changelog entry (version
0.8.9-2, distribution
unstable) and new commits
in its VCS. You should consider whether it's time to make
an upload.