Marked for autoremoval on 21 February due to pyside6: #1092529high
Version 3.2.3+ds1-1 of qdarkstyle is marked for autoremoval from testing on Fri 21 Feb 2025. It depends (transitively) on pyside6, affected by #1092529. You should try to prevent the removal by fixing these RC bugs.
Depends on packages which need a new maintainer
The packages that qdarkstyle depends on which need a new maintainer are:
This package has been
orphaned. This means that it does not have a real
maintainer at the moment. Please consider adopting this package
if you are interested in it. Please see bug number #1093664 for more information.
Migration status for qdarkstyle (3.2.3+ds1-1 to 3.2.3+ds1-2): Waiting for test results or another package, or too young (no action required now - check later)