Marked for autoremoval on 28 January: #1089981high
Version 9.0.4+dfsg-4 of swi-prolog is marked for autoremoval from testing on Tue 28 Jan 2025. It is affected by #1089981. The removal of swi-prolog will also cause the removal of (transitive) reverse dependencies: ediprolog-el, eye, gap-hapcryst, gap-polymaking, polymake, ppl, pplpy. You should try to prevent the removal by fixing these RC bugs.
The current maintainer is looking for someone who can help with
the maintenance of this package. If you are interested in this
package, please consider helping out. One way you can help is
offer to be a co-maintainer or triage bugs in the BTS. Please see bug number #896458 for more information.
Among the 4 debian patches
available in version 9.2.8+dfsg-3 of the package,
we noticed the following issues:
4 patches
where the metadata indicates that the patch has not yet been forwarded
upstream. You should either forward the patch upstream or update the
metadata to document its real status.
Migration status for swi-prolog (9.0.4+dfsg-4 to 9.2.8+dfsg-3): Waiting for test results or another package, or too young (no action required now - check later)