Version 0.70.0-3 of python-maggma is marked for autoremoval from testing on Sun 02 Mar 2025. It depends (transitively) on fastapi, python-dom-toml, uvloop, affected by #1093363, #1093470, #1093471, #1094039. You should try to prevent the removal by fixing these RC bugs.
Problems while searching for a new upstream version
uscan had problems while searching for a new upstream version:
In debian/watch no matching files for watch line .*/v?(?:[-_]?[Vv]?(\d[\-+\.:\~\da-zA-Z]*))(?i)(?:\.(?:tar\.xz|tar\.bz2|tar\.gz|tar\.zstd?|zip|tgz|tbz|txz))
Standards version of the package is outdated.
The package is severely out of date with respect to the Debian Policy.The package should be updated to follow the last version of Debian Policy
(Standards-Version 4.7.0 instead of
Depends on packages which need a new maintainer
The packages that python-maggma depends on which need a new maintainer are: