matrix-nio is a Python Matrix client library, designed according to sans I/O principles. Prior to version 0.20, when a users requests a room key from their devices, the software correctly remember the request. Once they receive a forwarded room key, they accept it without checking who the room key came from. This allows homeservers to try to insert room keys of questionable validity, potentially mounting an impersonation attack. Version 0.20 fixes the issue.
Among the 2 debian patches
available in version 0.25.2-1 of the package,
we noticed the following issues:
2 patches
where the metadata indicates that the patch has not yet been forwarded
upstream. You should either forward the patch upstream or update the
metadata to document its real status.
Standards version of the package is outdated.
The package should be updated to follow the last version of Debian Policy
(Standards-Version 4.7.2 instead of