debian/patches: 4 patches with invalid metadata, 4 patches to forward upstream
Among the 8 debian patches
available in version 1.7.8~dfsg0-2 of the package,
we noticed the following issues:
4 patches with
invalid metadata that ought to be fixed.
4 patches
where the metadata indicates that the patch has not yet been forwarded
upstream. You should either forward the patch upstream or update the
metadata to document its real status.
You should get rid of them to provide more metadata about this software.
The package has not entered testing even though the delay is over
The package has not entered testing even though the 5-day delay is over.Check why.
1 new commit since last upload, is it time to release?
vcswatch reports that
this package seems to have new commits in its VCS but has
not yet updated debian/changelog. You should consider updating
the Debian changelog and uploading this new version into the archive.
Here are the relevant commit logs:
commit 38d0f2fdc26025118752e7ddaf014eb18143d2d6
Author: Dennis Braun <>
Date: Wed Dec 7 09:13:27 2022 +0100
Standards version of the package is outdated.
The package should be updated to follow the last version of Debian Policy
(Standards-Version 4.7.2 instead of
testing migrations
This package will soon be part of the auto-libxml2 transition. You might want to ensure that your package is ready for it.
You can probably find supplementary information in the
archives or in the corresponding