-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA256 Format: 1.8 Date: Fri, 26 Aug 2016 17:04:14 +0200 Source: dbconfig-common Binary: dbconfig-common dbconfig-mysql dbconfig-pgsql dbconfig-sqlite dbconfig-sqlite3 dbconfig-no-thanks Architecture: source Version: 2.0.5 Distribution: unstable Urgency: medium Maintainer: Paul Gevers <elbrus@debian.org> Changed-By: Paul Gevers <elbrus@debian.org> Description: dbconfig-common - framework that helps packages to manage databases dbconfig-mysql - dbconfig-common MySQL/MariaDB support dbconfig-no-thanks - dbconfig-common bypass dbconfig-pgsql - dbconfig-common PostgreSQL support dbconfig-sqlite - dbconfig-common SQLite support dbconfig-sqlite3 - dbconfig-common SQLite3 support Closes: 439078 475829 663234 824329 824537 825517 830888 834294 Changes: dbconfig-common (2.0.5) unstable; urgency=medium . * Minor fixes to the documentation, thanks to Carsten Leonhardt * Update Brazilian, thanks Adriano Rafael Gomes (Closes: #824329) * Add libdbd-mysql-perl dependency for the install-examples tests * Prevent empty dbc_dbname in dbc_read_package_debconf (LP: #689327) * Don't forget app-pass during reconfigure/error (Closes: #825517) * Improve installation and reconfigure situation in the cases where database administrator rights are not needed. This enables most packages to be installed using a database server where the user is already created and has enough privileges. (Closes: #475829) * Prevent empty MySQL port as MySQL 5.7 doesn't support it anymore (Closes: #824537) * Make sure that debconf questions regarding multidbs can be backed up properly (Closes: #663234) * Check existing mysql privileges and behave according to the answer (Closes: #439078) * Bump Standards (no changes) * Fix PostgreSQL Unix socket use: it was always using TCP (Closes: #834294) * Fail PostgreSQL case when using ident for authentication but the system user with the name of the dbuser name doesn't exist. Mapping isn't supported (yet) (Closes: #830888) * [tests] Drop posh testing for now, seems like a test framework issue i.s.o a dbconfig issue * [tests] Add MySQL/MariaDB TCP/IP no-admin testcase Checksums-Sha1: 5be4a3b84cdb3d5532df4bbe13f006cc6112a04b 1871 dbconfig-common_2.0.5.dsc ed8aa94d455903f11f8c0a82575f85f1538786b6 214588 dbconfig-common_2.0.5.tar.xz Checksums-Sha256: 844c1febfbb167fbf537b0b6909898b82297cc143e29d3be79bfae9ebf91e841 1871 dbconfig-common_2.0.5.dsc 96f7c59593a3e748e8fd0176568fa6f679f4de6473dc15f15d82ff8742b33602 214588 dbconfig-common_2.0.5.tar.xz Files: 39c0bfef1344d665b497c76ec6e1d9e6 1871 admin optional dbconfig-common_2.0.5.dsc 5c8be0f8318c5806b6e62fd37b1a3aa5 214588 admin optional dbconfig-common_2.0.5.tar.xz -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1 iQEcBAEBCAAGBQJXwzReAAoJEJxcmesFvXUKUSoH/ioU8oTgEMT7vsXAiu1rV9Ps ZzpadLlhpquYq6vtje8APvdVsKm5ZYdU67FIAll5PGl8GpxtFf8baAES9kkq6Idr Xnenhw9iBo7YOt2BtzC8cyjisDLYz7XLLvJNSfIZzn82utvGggmwDRjlhs77Irld 3sOUNnBftI6lnawb0beyne+QZeZR1HznW2Sti1y9JK+cRS0XLM9joSi6FS47oe7T qc6Hkn43sDbMLNFQkTazqRj97Gh8z+RqWWuyYmahddvP5ezIoCLbZj0PgE+Lmy6Z tyaFEInwQmlMa8q9wWWzJzBteOzOniQdmSc8OFsBAyziQMl4Mp2VoeG389PP0sE= =j6BB -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----